
歡迎您選擇使用[我司] (以下簡稱“我們”) )開發和運營管理遊戲。為了執行法律,法規和監管要求,並根據《關於實施網絡遊戲管理暫行辦法的通知》和《保護指南》,為您提供高質量的產品和服務。互聯網個人信息”和其他相關政策法規,請遵循安全可靠的隱私保護原則,並製定本“隱私保護政策”(以下簡稱“本政策”)。目的是使用戶(在此策略中更稱為“您”)清楚地了解:















1.1註冊帳戶時填寫的信息。 (註冊帳戶時填寫的暱稱,手機號碼和電子郵件地址)


1.2使用服務時提供的實名身份信息。 (使用帳戶時,您需要提供姓名,身份證號和照片信息)




1.4 您通過我們的客服或參加我們舉辦的活動時所提交的信息(您參與我們線上活動時填寫的調查問卷中可能包含的您的姓名、電話、地址信息)。


1.5 您的設備信息(設備型號、操作系統版本、電池、信號強度、唯一設備標識符(國際移動設備身份碼IMEI))、遊戲識別信息、硬件及操作系統信息、進程及遊戲崩潰記錄信息。


1.6 完全的網絡訪問、更改網絡連接性及WLAN狀態的權限。


1.7 讀寫存儲空間權限。


1.8 服務日誌信息。


1.9 IP地址。


1.10 從第三方合作夥伴獲取的信息。


1.11 我們的部分服務可能需要您提供上述特定的個人敏感信息來實現特定功能。若您選擇不提供該類信息,則可能無法正常使用服務中的特定功能,但不影響您使用服務中的其他功能。若您主動提供您的個人敏感信息,即表示您同意我們按本政策所述目的和方式來收集和處理您的個人敏感信息。


2.1 位置信息。


2.2 撥打電話權限。


2.3 相機(拍攝照片和錄製視頻)權限。


2.4 遊戲級別、排位信息。


2.5 在符合相關法律法規的前提下,我們可能會將通過我們的某一項服務所收集的您的個人信息以匯集信息或者個性化的方式,進行分析以了解您的偏好,並可能將您的偏好等相關必要的信息分享給我們內部的其他產品或服務,以便於我們更好地在我們內部的其他產品或服務中向您展示可能感興趣的內容。




2.8其他第三方服務商(委託我們進行推廣和廣告投放的合作夥伴)。遊戲中可能包括第三方產品和/或服務或鏈接至第三方提供的信息和/或服務,該等第三方產品和/或服務在使用前,您需要跳轉到相應的小程序或第三方頁面。您使用該等第三方服務(包括您向該等第三方提供的任何個人信息),須受該第三方的服務條款及隱私政策等(而非本政策)的約束,您需要仔細閱讀其條款並自行決定是否接受並進行下一步的操作。我們特別提示,請您妥善保護自己的個人信息,僅在必要的情況下向他人提供。本政策僅適用於我們 所收集、保存、使用、共享、披露您的相關信息,並不適用於任何第三方提供的服務或第三方的用戶信息收集及使用規則,您知曉且理解我們不對任何第三方使用由您提供的信息承擔任何責任。




1. 我們會採用商業上合理可行的方式保護用戶的個人信息安全,我們使用通常可以獲得的安全技術和程序來保護用戶的個人信息不被未經授權地訪問、使用或洩漏,包括數據權限管控, 強密碼加密等方式存儲您的上述相關信息。對於非因我們的故意及重大過失而造成用戶帳號的丟失或用戶個人信息的洩密,我們不承擔任何責任。

2. 我們尊重個人隱私,注重對用戶信息資源的保護,並遵照法律法規的規定,對信息的分享進行嚴格限制。除以下情形及本政策所載我們可能使用到用戶信息的方式外,未經您同意,我們不會與任何第三方公開、分享或披露您的信息:

2.1 基於國家法律法規等有關規定;

2.2 基於犯罪偵查、起訴、審判和判決、裁定執行或其他法律程序的規定;

2.3 應司法機關及其他法律賦予權限的政府機關基於法定程序的要求;

2.4 我們有理由確信需要遵守法律法規等有關規定;

2.5 為執行相關服務協議或本政策、維護社會公共利益、保障國家安全、國防安全,為保護我們的客戶、我們或我們的關聯公司、其他用戶或僱員的人身財產安全或其他合法權益合理且必要的用途;

2.6 在緊急情況下,基於符合法律法規為保護其他用戶及第三方人身安全而提供您的信息;

2.7 基於用戶本人或用戶監護人的合法要求;

2.8 為保護我們或您的合法權益,且符合法律法規的適當披露;

2.9 我們為了維護自身合法權益而向用戶提起訴訟或者仲裁時;

2.10 其他未約定,但基於法律法規或行政機關要求必須披露的情況。

3. 我們可能向您發送的信息

3.1 信息推送,您在使用我們的服務時,我們可能向您發送資訊或推送通知。 (您可以自行在設備上操作取消訂閱。)

3.2 與服務有關的公告,我們可能在必要時向您發出與服務有關的公告。 (例如,因係統維​​護而暫停某一項服務。您可能無法取消這些與服務有關的公告。)

4. 存儲信息的地點及期限

4.1 我們遵守法律法規的規定,將境內收集的用戶個人信息存儲於境內。

4.2 一般而言,我們僅為實現服務目的所必需的最短時間保留您的個人信息。但在下列情況下,我們有可能因需符合法律要求,更改個人信息的存儲時間:

4.2.1 為遵守適用的法律法規等有關規定;

4.2.2 為遵守法院判決、裁定或其他法律程序的規定;

4.2.3 為遵守相關政府機關或法定授權組織的要求;

4.2.4 我們有理由確信需要遵守法律法規等有關規定;

4.2.5 為執行相關服務協議或本政策、維護社會公共利益,為保護們的客戶、我們或我們的關聯公司、其他用戶或僱員的人身財產安全或其他合法權益所合理必需的用途。

5. 當我們的產品或服務發生停止運營的情形時,我們將採取公告等形式通知您,並在合理的期限內刪除您的個人信息。

6. 我們為您的信息提供相應的安全保障,以防止信息的丟失、不當使用、未經授權訪問或披露。

7. 我們嚴格遵守法律法規保護用戶的通信秘密。

8. 我們將在合理的安全水平內使用各種安全保護措施以保障信息的安全。

9. 我們建立專門的管理制度、流程和組織確保信息安全。

10. 隨著我們業務的持續發展,我們有可能進行合併、收購、資產轉讓或類似的交易,而您的信息有可能作為此類交易的一部分而被轉移。我們會要求新的持有您信息的公司、組織繼續受本政策的約束並保證所持有的信息安全。

11. 若發生個人信息洩露等安全事件,我們會啟動應急預案,阻止安全事件擴大,並以推送通知、公告等形式告知您。

12. 根據法律、法規的要求、強制性的行政執法或司法要求所必須提供您信息的情況下,我們可能會依據所要求的信息類型和披露方式披露您的信息。在符合法律法規的前提下,當我們收到上述披露信息的請求時,我們會要求接收方必須出具與之相應的法律文件,如傳票或調查函。我們堅信,對於要求我們提供的信息,應該在法律允許的範圍內盡可能保持透明。我們對所有的請求都進行了慎重的審查,以確保其具備合法依據,且僅限於執法部門因特定調查目的且有合法權利獲取的數據。



1. 用戶身份及安全鑑權功能

1.1 您在訂購業務付費前,本服務需要對您的個人信息和設備信息進行提取用於安全鑑權,防止黑客攻擊盜用您的手機號碼進行不法的支付行為,通過各種鑑權手段提高用戶使用計費服務的安全性,只有鑑權通過的支付請求才可以完成支付。

1.2 本模塊收集的信息包括:手機號碼、IMEIIMSIMAC、設備網絡接入狀態。

2. 個人支付驗證功能

2.1 鑑權通過後,本服務所使用的第三方支付平台會進行個人支付驗證,具體驗證內容可以查看所選擇的第三方支付平台規定;

3. 訂購計費功能

3.1 個人支付驗證通過後,本服務會通過第三方支付平台代扣進行實際扣費,我們獲取這些個人信息用於對用戶的身份進行鑑權,提高用戶使用計費服務的安全性。

3.2 需要收集的信息包括:手機號碼、IMEIIMSIMAC、設備網絡接入狀態、設備地理位置信息。

4. 計費安全分析功能

4.1 您在訂購業務過程中,我們讀取、上傳、記錄用戶個人支付信息數據並進行同步、分享和儲存以實現安全分析和部分服務功能;同時收集用戶個人信息數據並統計、分析及研究,以改進本應用和本服務的質量、性能和技術。

4.2 需要收集的必要信息包括:手機號碼、IMEIIMSIMAC、品牌信息、機型信息、操作系統信息、設備網絡接入狀態、設備地理位置信息、設備安全狀態。

5. 以上內容涉及個人信息的名詞解釋如下:

5.1 IMEI(國際移動設備識別碼):International Mobile Equipment Identity,即通常所說的手機序列號、手機“串號”,用於在移動電話網絡中識別每一部獨立的手機等移動通信設備,相當於移動電話的身份證。

5.2 IMSI(國際移動用戶識別碼):International Mobile Subscriber Identity,是用於區分蜂窩網絡中不同用戶的、在所有蜂窩網絡中不重複的識別碼。手機將IMSI存儲於一個64比特的字段發送給網絡。 IMSI可以用來在歸屬位置寄存器(HLRHome Location Register)或拜訪位置寄存器(VLRVisitor Location Register)中查詢用戶的信息。

5.3 MAC(媒體訪問控制)地址:Media Access ControlMedium Access Control地址,媒體訪問控制,或稱為物理地址、硬件地址,用來定義網絡設備的位置。

5.4 品牌信息:您的手機或終端設備的品牌信息,標識設備生產的廠商。

5.5 機型信息:您的手機或終端設備的機器型號,區分同一個品牌設備的不同機型。

5.6 操作系統信息:您的手機或終端設備當前已安裝的操作系統版本信息。

5.7 設備網絡接入狀態:您的手機或終端設備當前連接網絡的狀態,包括已連接WiFi網絡、已連接GPRS網絡、無網絡三種狀態。

5.8 設備安全狀態:您的手機或終端設備是否已被黑客攻擊或破解(手機被root)。

5.9 設備地理位置信息:通過設備接入的網絡的移動國家代碼、運營商移動網絡代碼、基站位置區域碼、基站編號定位用戶設備的當前位置信息。


1. 用戶如何管理自己的信息

1.1 您可以在使用我們服務的過程中,訪問、修改和刪除您提供的註冊信息和其他個人信息,也可按照通知指引與我們聯繫,如用戶需要删除帳號或數據,可以通過聯系 545059476@qq.com ,說明情况,我們會在48小時內完成處理。

1.2 我們將按照本政策所述,僅為實現我們產品或服務的功能,收集、使用您的信息。

1.3 在您訪問、修改和刪除相關信息時,我們可能會要求您進行身份驗證,以保障帳號的安全。

2. 如您發現我們違反法律、行政法規的規定或者雙方的約定收集、使用您的個人信息,您可以要求我們刪除。

2.1 如您發現我們收集、存儲的您的個人信息有錯誤的,您也可以要求我們更正。

2.2 請通過本政策列明的聯繫方式與我們聯繫。

2.3 請您理解,由於技術所限、法律或監管要求,我們可能無法滿足您的所有要求,我們會在合理的期限內答复您的請求。


1. 我們非常重視對未成年人個人信息的保護,我們會積極按照國家防沉迷政策要求,通過啟用防沉迷系統保護未成年人的合法權益。我們會通過實名身份等信息校驗判斷相關賬號的實名信息是否為未成年人,進而決定是否將此賬號納入到防沉迷體系中。另外,我們會收集您的登錄時間、遊戲時長等信息,通過從系統層面自動干預和限制未成年人遊戲時間、啟用強制下線功能等方式,引導未成年人合理遊戲,並在疑似未成年人消費後嘗試聯繫其監護人進行提醒、確認與處理,幫助未成年人健康上網。根據相關法律法規的規定,若您是18周歲以下的未成年人,在使用本遊戲服務前,應事先取得您的家長或法定監護人的同意。

2. 若您是未成年人的監護人,當您對您所監護的未成年人的個人信息有相關疑問時,請按照本政策列明的方式與我們聯繫。


1. 互聯網並非絕對安全的環境,而且電子郵件、即時通訊、社交軟件或其他服務軟件等與其他用戶的交流方式無法確定是否完全加密,我們建議您使用此類工具時請使用複雜密碼,並註意保護您的信息安全。

2. 互聯網環境並非百分之百安全,我們將盡力確保或擔保您發送給我們的任何信息的安全性。如果我們的物理、技術、或管理防護設施遭到破壞,導致信息被非授權訪問、公開披露、篡改或毀壞,導致您的合法權益受損,我們將在中國法律法規規定的範圍內承擔相應的法律責任。本政策僅適用於我們所收集的用戶的個人信息,並不適用於任何第三方提供的服務或第三方的信息使用規則,對任何第三方使用由您提供的信息導致您的合法權益受損,我們並不承擔任何責任。


1. 第三方bugly服務,提供應用崩潰、錯誤信息收集,信息提交網址:https://android.bugly.qq.com,隱私保護聲明:點擊這裏進行閱讀

2. 我們產品使用第三方統計,您需要一並同意第三方服務商提供的隱私政策;鏈接到應用程序使用的第三方服務提供商的隱私政策


1. 如本政策部分條款無論因何種原因完全或部分無效或不具有執行力,其餘條款仍應有效並且具有約束力以及執行力。

2. 我們保留對本政策的修改,增補,刪除、更新等有關權利。

3. 本政策的訂立、履行、解釋及爭議的解決均適用中華人民共和國法律並排除其他一切衝突法的適用。如您就本政策的內容或其執行發生任何爭議(包括但不限於合同或者其他財產性權益糾紛),應及時聯繫我們友好協商解決;

4. 在您​​使用本遊戲服務期間,如您需我們為您提供查詢、刪除、更正或者撤回您的相關個人信息的服務,或對本政策、個人信息安全或其他相關事宜有疑問,或有任何與服務有關的個人信息保護相關投訴,或需要查看本政策更新的版本及相關公告的,您可通過以下列出的官方網站與我們聯繫反饋、查閱公告內容或尋求客服進行相關協助操作。我們收到您的相關需求或者問題的反饋後將盡快審核,並在驗證您的用戶身份後的十五天內予以回复。

5. 我們可能適時修訂本政策內容,如該等變更會導致您在本政策項下權利的實質減損,我們將在變更生效前,通過在頁面顯著位置提示等方式通知您。在該種情況下,若您繼續使用我們的服務,即表示同意受經修訂的政策約束。

Privacy Policy

You are welcome to choose to use our company (hereinafter referred to as "we"), to development and operation Management game. In order to implement laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, and to provide you with high-quality products and services, in accordance with the "Notice on the Implementation of the Interim Measures for the Management of Online Games" and the "Guidelines for the Protection of Internet Personal Information" and other relevant policies and regulations, Follow the principles of safe and reliable privacy protection and formulate this "Privacy Protection Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy"). The purpose is to make users (more referred to as "you" in this policy) clearly understand:

1. What user information will be collected when using this service;

2. The purpose of our collection of user information;

3. User's rights when using this service;

4. Protection of minors and other issues.

I hope you read this policy carefully and learn more about our collection, use, storage and protection of user information, so that you can better understand the service and make appropriate choices. If you are a minor, you should review this policy with your legal guardian. After the legal guardian has reviewed and agreed to it, you can use this service and provide us with your personal information. If you or your guardian disagree with any content of this policy, please stop using our game service immediately.

If you use this service, it means that you agree with what we have stated in this policy and agree that we collect, use, store and protect your relevant information in accordance with this policy. At the same time, we guarantee that we will collect only the information necessary to realize the functions of the product in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness and necessity.

We may check and update the "Privacy Protection Policy" from time to time in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations or the needs of game operation. Therefore, relevant measures will change accordingly, and such modifications form part of this policy. Unless otherwise specified, any changes or modifications will take effect immediately when the revised content is published. Please keep an eye on our official page to ensure that you are always aware of the latest version of our privacy policy. If you believe that such modifications have caused a substantial reduction of your rights in this service, you can choose to stop using the services we provide to you. Your use and continued use of this service will indicate that you accept these changes or modifications and agree to be bound by this revised policy.

After reading this policy, if you have any questions about this policy or matters related to this policy, you can contact us through the contact information announced at the end of this policy.

1. [When using this service, what user information will be collected and the purpose of collection]

1. Permission information that you proactively provide when using this service

1.1 The information you filled in when you registered your account. (The nickname, mobile phone number and e-mail address you filled in when you registered your account)

We will collect your network identification information and personal commonly used device information to mark you as a game user. Depending on the specific situation of the game, we may provide you with relevant permissions so that you can make corresponding settings on whether to display the aforementioned relevant information.

1.2 The real-name identity information provided when you use the service. (When you use your account, you need to provide your name, ID number, and photo information)

In order to meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and policies and relevant authorities, you need to perform real-name authentication to continue using and enjoying the game. We will collect your real-name identity information when you actively provide it. If you refuse to provide it, you can immediately stop related operations and log out of the service; this information is sensitive information. Refusing to provide real-name identity information may result in you being unable to log in to the game or There are corresponding restrictions during the use of the game.

1.3 The shared information you provide to other parties through our services, and the information stored when you use our services.

We may collect and save the above information you send to filter pornography, violence, politics, abuse, malicious advertising and other inappropriate content, in order to purify the game environment and maintain a healthy online environment.

1.4 The information you submit through our customer service or when you participate in events held by us (your name, phone number, and address information may be included in the questionnaire you filled out when you participated in our online events).

It is used to recommend advertisements and information that you may be interested in. When necessary (when we suspend a single service, change or terminate the provision of a single service due to system maintenance), we will send you the information Service-related notifications.

1.5 Your device information (device model, operating system version, battery, signal strength, unique device identifier (IMEI)), game identification information, hardware and operating system information, process and game crash record information.

The purpose is to count the data of new users, optimize game performance, protect your game account security, and create a fair, healthy and safe game environment. We will collect the above information from you and use it to combat behaviors that damage the fair environment of the game or interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of game services (such as detecting piracy, scanning plug-ins, preventing cheating).

1.6 Complete network access, permission to change network connectivity and WLAN status.

The purpose is to detect your network availability to ensure that you can connect and experience the game normally, and at the same time make some requests for data collection.

1.7 Read and write storage space permissions.

The purpose is to realize the storage of game accounts and resources.

1.8 Service log information.

When you use our services, we may automatically collect relevant information and store it as service log information so that you can view your game history, which is also used for game operation statistical analysis, customer service complaint handling and other game safety analysis, and In order to improve your gaming experience, we may synchronize the aforementioned information to subsequent versions of the game or other products you are using.

1.9 IP address.

In order to maintain the security, transparency, and order of the mobile game network environment, we may use IP addresses as marks to distinguish the authenticity of users, or other ways to maintain the network environment.

1.10 Information obtained from third-party partners.

We may obtain information that you are authorized to collect, generate, or share when using third-party cooperative platform services. Please read carefully the user agreement or privacy policy of the third-party product/service for the information and related content that you authorized the third party to collect. For the types of our third-party partners, please refer to the first paragraph of this agreement.

1.11 Some of our services may require you to provide the above-mentioned specific personal sensitive information to achieve specific functions. If you choose not to provide this type of information, you may not be able to use certain functions in the service normally, but it will not affect your use of other functions in the service. If you take the initiative to provide your sensitive personal information, it means that you agree that we collect and process your sensitive personal information in accordance with the purposes and methods described in this policy.

2. The permissions and functions we obtain with your consent when you use the service

2.1 Location information.

When you use location-related services, we may record the location information of your device in order to provide you with interactive and personalized services related to nearby game players. Geographical location information is sensitive information. Refusal to provide this information will only cause you to be unable to interact with nearby game players and enjoy personalized customization related services, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the game. You can also cancel your geographic location at any time Location information authorization.

2.2 Calling authority.

The purpose is to enable you to directly dial our customer service through the customer service interface to obtain the corresponding service during the game experience, thereby enhancing your gaming experience.

2.3 Camera (photograph and video recording) permissions.

In order to provide you with the game avatar switching function service, we will collect your photo and video information after your authorization. This information is sensitive information. Refusal to provide this information will cause you to fail to implement the game avatar switching function, but it will not affect your normal use of the game's other functions. You can also cancel your camera (photographing and video recording) permission authorization at any time.

2.4 Game level and ranking information.

We may display your level and ranking to other users in the game through a leaderboard based on your experience value. The leaderboard will disclose your nickname, avatar, number of game items, recharge amount and experience value data. Display in order to realize the interactive function between you and other users. Refusing to provide this information will only make you unable to experience the publicity and interactive function, that is, you will not be able to view the level and ranking data of other users in the game, but it will not affect you Normally use other functions of the game, you can also cancel your authorization at any time.

3. On the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, we may collect your personal information collected through one of our services in an aggregated or personalized way to analyze to understand your preferences, and may Share your preferences and other necessary information with other internal products or services so that we can better show you content that may be of interest to you in other internal products or services.

4. Please understand and be aware that in order to provide users with more complete and high-quality products and services, we may need to transmit or share some user information with our cooperative third parties (technical service providers, our affiliates or other third parties) , And third parties may also collect some of your information. Currently, our partners include the following types:

4.1 Cooperating third-party SDK service providers. When you use the game, we may access a software development kit (SDK) provided by a third party to implement related functions.

Please note: The third-party SDK will collect some of your information when you use the game, and refusing to provide it may result in you being unable to log in to the game or being restricted in the process of using the game. The third-party SDK that provides services to you through the game will store, use, process and protect your personal information in accordance with the standards described in its own privacy policy. This privacy policy cannot replace the above-mentioned third-party privacy policy. We will carefully select the third-party SDK to access and try our best to require the third-party SDK to provide sufficient protection for your personal information. At the same time, we strongly recommend that you read the relevant privacy policies of the above-mentioned third-party SDK services first. Please understand carefully , Confirm their privacy protection, make the choices you think are appropriate, and you clearly know that any consequences of your free choice shall be borne by you, and we are not responsible for this.

4.2 Other third-party service providers (partners who entrust us to promote and advertise). The game may include third-party products and/or services or links to information and/or services provided by third parties. Before using such third-party products and/or services, you need to jump to the corresponding mini program or third-party page . Your use of such third-party services (including any personal information you provide to such third parties) is subject to the third party's terms of service and privacy policy (not this policy), and you need to read its terms carefully and Decide whether to accept and proceed to the next step. We specifically remind you to properly protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. This policy only applies to our collection, storage, use, sharing, and disclosure of your relevant information, and does not apply to any third-party services or third-party user information collection and use Rules, you know and understand that we are not responsible for any third party's use of the information provided by you.

Please agree that we have the right to share the indirect user portrait formed by our collection of your relevant information with the partners who entrust us to promote and advertise to help them make advertising or decision-making suggestions, improve the effective reach of advertising, and further understand User needs. But we promise: Without your consent, we will not share personal privacy information that can identify you. On the premise of not disclosing the privacy information of a single user, we have the right to conduct technical analysis of the entire user information database and make commercial use of the analyzed and sorted user database.

5. Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If a function or service is not included in the foregoing description and your information is collected, we will use page prompts, interactive processes or website announcements We will separately explain to you the content, scope and purpose of information collection and obtain your consent.

2. [Storage and security protection measures for user information we collect]

1. We will use commercially reasonable and feasible methods to protect the security of users’ personal information. We use commonly available security technologies and procedures to protect users’ personal information from unauthorized access, use or leakage, including data authority control , Store your above-mentioned related information by means of strong password encryption. We do not assume any responsibility for the loss of user accounts or the disclosure of user personal information not due to our intentional and gross negligence.

2. We respect personal privacy, pay attention to the protection of user information resources, and strictly restrict information sharing in compliance with laws and regulations. Except for the following circumstances and the ways in which we may use user information contained in this policy, we will not disclose, share or disclose your information with any third party without your consent:

2.1 Based on relevant national laws and regulations;

2.2 Provisions based on criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment, ruling execution or other legal procedures;

2.3 According to the requirements of legal procedures by judicial organs and other government agencies authorized by law;

2.4 We have reason to believe that we need to comply with laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

2.5 It is reasonable and necessary to implement the relevant service agreement or this policy, maintain the public interest, protect national security, national defense security, and protect the personal and property safety or other legal rights of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users or employees the use of;

2.6 In an emergency, provide your information based on compliance with laws and regulations to protect the personal safety of other users and third parties;

2.7 Based on the legal requirements of the user or the user's guardian;

2.8 Appropriate disclosure in order to protect our or your legitimate rights and interests and comply with laws and regulations;

2.9 When we file a lawsuit or arbitration against users in order to protect our legitimate rights and interests;

2.10 Other situations that are not agreed, but must be disclosed based on laws, regulations or administrative organ requirements.

3. Information we may send to you

3.1 Information push. When you use our services, we may send you information or push notifications. (You can cancel the subscription on the device yourself.)

3.2 Service-related announcements, we may issue service-related announcements to you when necessary. (For example, a service is suspended due to system maintenance. You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements.)

4. Location and period of information storage

4.1 We abide by laws and regulations and store the personal information of users collected in China in China.

4.2 Generally speaking, we only keep your personal information for the shortest time necessary to achieve the service purpose. However, in the following cases, we may change the storage time of personal information due to compliance with legal requirements:

4.2.1 To comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

4.2.2 To comply with court judgments, rulings or other legal procedures;

4.2.3 To comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or legally authorized organizations;

4.2.4 We have reason to believe that we need to comply with laws and regulations and other relevant regulations;

4.2.5 Purposes reasonably necessary to implement relevant service agreements or this policy, safeguard the public interest, and protect the personal and property safety or other legitimate rights and interests of our customers, us or our affiliates, other users or employees.

5. When our products or services stop operating, we will notify you in the form of announcements and other forms, and delete your personal information within a reasonable period of time.

6. We provide corresponding security guarantees for your information to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure of information.

7. We strictly abide by laws and regulations to protect users' communication secrets.

8. We will use various security protection measures within a reasonable security level to ensure the security of information.

9. We have established a special management system, process and organization to ensure information security.

10. With the continuous development of our business, we may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will require new companies and organizations that hold your information to continue to be bound by this policy and ensure the security of the information they hold.

11. In the event of a security incident such as personal information leakage, we will initiate an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of the security incident, and notify you in the form of push notifications, announcements, etc.

12. In cases where your information must be provided in accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your information based on the required information types and disclosure methods. Under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, when we receive the above-mentioned information disclosure request, we will require the recipient to issue corresponding legal documents, such as a subpoena or investigation letter. We firmly believe that the information requested from us should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by law. We have carefully reviewed all requests to ensure that they have a legal basis and are limited to data obtained by law enforcement agencies for specific investigation purposes and have legal rights.

3. [How do we collect your user information]

The following business functions in this service need to obtain the user's personal information. For the explanation of specific personal information terms, please refer to the subsequent description.

1. User identity and security authentication function

1.1 Before you pay for the subscription service, this service needs to extract your personal information and device information for security authentication to prevent hackers from stealing your mobile phone number for illegal payment behaviors, and to improve user usage through various authentication methods The security of the billing service, only the payment request that passes the authentication can complete the payment.

1.2 The information collected by this module includes: mobile phone number, IMEI, IMSI, MAC, and device network access status.

2. Personal payment verification function

2.1 After the authentication is passed, the third-party payment platform used by this service will conduct personal payment verification. For specific verification content, you can check the regulations of the selected third-party payment platform;

3. Subscription billing function

3.1 After the personal payment verification is passed, the service will deduct the actual fee through the third-party payment platform. We obtain this personal information to authenticate the user's identity and improve the security of the user's billing service.

3.2 The information that needs to be collected includes: mobile phone number, IMEI, IMSI, MAC, device network access status, and device geographic location information.

4. Billing security analysis function

4.1 In the course of your ordering business, we read, upload and record the user’s personal payment information and synchronize, share and store it to achieve security analysis and some service functions; at the same time, we collect user’s personal information data and perform statistics, analysis, and research. Improve the quality, performance and technology of this application and this service.

4.2 The necessary information to be collected includes: mobile phone number, IMEI, IMSI, MAC, brand information, model information, operating system information, device network access status, device geographic location information, and device security status. To


5. The explanations of terms related to personal information in the above content are as follows:

5.1 IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity): International Mobile Equipment Identity, which is commonly referred to as a mobile phone serial number and a mobile phone "serial number", is used to identify each independent mobile phone and other mobile communication equipment in the mobile phone network. ID card for mobile phone.

5.2 IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity): International Mobile Subscriber Identity is an identification code used to distinguish different users in a cellular network and that is not repeated in all cellular networks. The mobile phone stores the IMSI in a 64-bit field and sends it to the network. IMSI can be used to query user information in the home location register (HLR, Home Location Register) or the visitor location register (VLR, Visitor Location Register).

5.3 MAC (Media Access Control) address: Media Access Control or Medium Access Control address, media access control, or physical address, hardware address, used to define the location of network devices.

5.4 Brand information: the brand information of your mobile phone or terminal device, identifying the manufacturer of the device.

5.5 Model information: the machine model of your mobile phone or terminal device, distinguishing different models of the same brand of equipment.

5.6 Operating system information: the operating system version information currently installed on your mobile phone or terminal device.

5.7 Device network access status: The status of your mobile phone or terminal device currently connected to the network, including three statuses: connected to a WiFi network, connected to a GPRS network, and no network.

5.8 Device security status: Whether your mobile phone or terminal device has been hacked or cracked (the mobile phone is rooted).

5.9 Equipment geographic location information: locate the current location information of the user equipment through the mobile country code of the network that the device accesses, the operator's mobile network code, the base station location area code, and the base station number.


4. [Users' rights when using this service]

1. How users manage their own information

1.1 You can access, modify, and delete the registration information and other personal information you provide while using our services, or you can contact us in accordance with the notification guidelines.

1.2 We will collect and use your information only to realize the functions of our products or services in accordance with this policy.

1.3 When you access, modify and delete relevant information, we may require you to verify your identity to protect the security of your account.

2. If you find that we have collected and used your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations, or agreed upon by both parties, you can ask us to delete it.

2.1 If you find that your personal information we have collected and stored is wrong, you can also ask us to correct it.

2.2 Please contact us through the contact information listed in this policy.

2.3 Please understand that due to technical limitations, legal or regulatory requirements, we may not be able to meet all your requirements, and we will respond to your request within a reasonable period of time.


5. [Protection of minors]

1. We attach great importance to the protection of the personal information of minors. We will actively follow the requirements of the national anti-addiction policy to protect the legal rights of minors by enabling the anti-addiction system. We will determine whether the real-name information of the relevant account is a minor through the verification of real-name identity and other information, and then decide whether to include this account in the anti-addiction system. In addition, we will collect your login time, game duration and other information, and guide minors to play reasonably by automatically interfering and restricting minors’ play time at the system level and enabling mandatory offline functions. After consumption, try to contact their guardians for reminders, confirmations and treatments to help minors go online healthy. According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the consent of your parent or legal guardian before using this game service.


2. If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor you are guarding, please contact us in accordance with the methods listed in this policy.


6. [Risk Warning]

1. The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the communication methods with other users such as e-mail, instant messaging, social software or other service software cannot be determined whether it is completely encrypted. We recommend that you use complex passwords when using such tools and pay attention Protect your information security.

2. The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear the corresponding responsibility within the scope of Chinese laws and regulations. legal liability. This policy only applies to the personal information of users collected by us, and does not apply to any third-party services or third-party information usage rules. Any third-party use of the information provided by you causes damage to your legitimate rights and interests. We do not take any responsibility.


7. [Third Party Terms of Service]

1. Third-party bugly service, providing application crash, error information collection, information submission website: https://android.bugly.qq.com, privacy protection statement: Click here to read

2.Our products use third-party statistics, you need to agree to the privacy policy provided by the third-party service provider;Links to the privacy policies of third-party service providers used by the app


8. [Others]

1. If some clauses of this policy are completely or partially invalid or not enforceable for any reason, the remaining clauses should still be valid, binding and enforceable.

2. We reserve the right to modify, add, delete and update this policy.

3. The formulation, implementation, interpretation and dispute resolution of this policy shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China and exclude the application of all other conflict laws. If you have any disputes about the content of this policy or its implementation (including but not limited to contracts or other property rights disputes), you should contact us in time for friendly negotiation and settlement;


4. During your use of this game service, if you need us to provide you with services to query, delete, correct or withdraw your personal information, or have questions about this policy, personal information security or other related matters, or have any questions For service-related personal information protection related complaints, or you need to view the updated version of this policy and related announcements, you can contact us for feedback, read the announcement content, or seek customer service for relevant assistance operations through the official website listed below. We will review your related needs or questions as soon as possible after we receive your feedback, and reply within 15 days after verifying your user identity.


5. We may revise the content of this policy in due course. If such changes will result in a substantial reduction of your rights under this policy, we will notify you by prompting you in a prominent position on the page before the change takes effect. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.




欢迎您选择使用我司 (以下称我们 )开发、运营管理的游戏。为了贯彻落实法律法规及监管规定,也为了向您提供优质的产品服务,根据《关于贯彻实施<网络游戏管理暂行办法>的通知》以及《互联网个人信息安全保护指南》等相关政策法规的规定,遵循安全、可靠的隐私保护原则,制定本《隐私保护政策》(以下简称本政策)。目的为使用户(本政策更多地称为)清晰的了解:

1. 在使用本服务时,将有哪些用户信息被收集;

2. 我们收集用户信息的用途;

3. 在使用本服务时,用户享有的权利;

4. 未成年人保护与其他问题。






1. 您在使用服务时主动提供的权限信息

1.1 您在注册帐户时填写的信息。(您在注册账户时所填写的昵称、手机号码、电子邮箱地址)


1.2 您在使用服务时提供的实名身份信息。(您在使用账户时,需提供的姓名、身份证号、照片信息)


1.3 您通过我们的服务向其他方提供的共享信息,以及您使用我们的服务时所储存的信息。


1.4 您通过我们的客服或参加我们举办的活动时所提交的信息(您参与我们线上活动时填写的调查问卷中可能包含的您的姓名、电话、地址信息)。


1.5 您的设备信息(设备型号、操作系统版本、电池、信号强度、唯一设备标识符(国际移动设备身份码IMEI))、游戏识别信息、硬件及操作系统信息、进程及游戏崩溃记录信息。


1.6 完全的网络访问、更改网络连接性及WLAN状态的权限。


1.7 读写存储空间权限。


1.8 服务日志信息


1.9 IP地址。


1.10 从第三方合作伙伴获取的信息。


1.11 我们的部分服务可能需要您提供上述特定的个人敏感信息来实现特定功能。若您选择不提供该类信息,则可能无法正常使用服务中的特定功能,但不影响您使用服务中的其他功能。若您主动提供您的个人敏感信息,即表示您同意我们按本政策所述目的和方式来收集和处理您的个人敏感信息。

2. 我们在您使用服务时经您的同意获取的权限及作用

2.1 位置信息


2.2 拨打电话权限。


2.3 相机(拍摄照片和录制视频)权限。


2.4 游戏级别、排位信息。


3. 在符合相关法律法规的前提下,我们可能会将通过我们的某一项服务所收集的您的个人信息以汇集信息或者个性化的方式,进行分析以了解您的偏好,并可能将您的偏好等相关必要的信息分享给我们内部的其他产品或服务,以便于我们更好地在我们内部的其他产品或服务中向您展示可能感兴趣的内容。

4. 请您理解并知悉,为了向用户提供更完整、优质的产品和服务,我们可能需要与我们的合作第三方(技术服务商、我们的关联公司或其他第三方)传送或者共享部分用户信息,同时第三方也可能会收集您的部分信息。目前,我们的合作伙伴包括以下类型:

4.1 合作的第三方SDK服务商。在您使用游戏过程中,我们可能会接入由第三方提供的软件开发包(SDK)以实现相关功能。


4.2 其他第三方服务商(委托我们进行推广和广告投放的合作伙伴)游戏中可能包括第三方产品和/或服务或链接至第三方提供的信息和/或服务,该等第三方产品和/或服务在使用前,您需要跳转到相应的小程序或第三方页面。您使用该等第三方服务(包括您向该等第三方提供的任何个人信息),须受该第三方的服务条款及隐私政策等(而非本政策)的约束,您需要仔细阅读其条款并自行决定是否接受并进行下一步的操作。我们特别提示,请您妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情况下向他人提供。本政策仅适用于我们所收集、保存、使用、共享、披露您的相关信息,并不适用于任何第三方提供的服务或第三方的用户信息收集及使用规则,您知晓且理解我们不对任何第三方使用由您提供的信息承担任何责任。


5. 请您理解,我们向您提供的功能和服务是不断更新和发展的,如果某一功能或服务未在前述说明中且收集了您的信息,我们会通过页面提示、交互流程或网站公告等方式另行向您说明信息收集的内容、范围和目的,并征得您的同意。


1. 我们会采用商业上合理可行的方式保护用户的个人信息安全,我们使用通常可以获得的安全技术和程序来保护用户的个人信息不被未经授权地访问、使用或泄漏,包括数据权限管控, 强密码加密等方式存储您的上述相关信息。对于非因我们的故意及重大过失而造成用户帐号的丢失或用户个人信息的泄密,我们不承担任何责任。

2. 我们尊重个人隐私,注重对用户信息资源的保护,并遵照法律法规的规定,对信息的分享进行严格限制。除以下情形及本政策所载我们可能使用到用户信息的方式外,未经您同意,我们不会与任何第三方公开、分享或披露您的信息:

2.1 基于国家法律法规等有关规定;

2.2 基于犯罪侦查、起诉、审判和判决、裁定执行或其他法律程序的规定;

2.3 应司法机关及其他法律赋予权限的政府机关基于法定程序的要求;

2.4 我们有理由确信需要遵守法律法规等有关规定;

2.5 为执行相关服务协议或本政策、维护社会公共利益、保障国家安全、国防安全,为保护我们的客户、我们或我们的关联公司、其他用户或雇员的人身财产安全或其他合法权益合理且必要的用途;

2.6 在紧急情况下,基于符合法律法规为保护其他用户及第三方人身安全而提供您的信息;

2.7 基于用户本人或用户监护人的合法要求;

2.8 为保护我们或您的合法权益,且符合法律法规的适当披露;

2.9 我们为了维护自身合法权益而向用户提起诉讼或者仲裁时;

2.10 其他未约定,但基于法律法规或行政机关要求必须披露的情况。

3. 我们可能向您发送的信息

3.1  信息推送,您在使用我们的服务时,我们可能向您发送资讯或推送通知。(您可以自行在设备上操作取消订阅。)

3.2 与服务有关的公告,我们可能在必要时向您发出与服务有关的公告。(例如,因系统维护而暂停某一项服务。您可能无法取消这些与服务有关的公告。)

4. 存储信息的地点及期限

4.1 我们遵守法律法规的规定,将境内收集的用户个人信息存储于境内。

4.2 一般而言,我们仅为实现服务目的所必需的最短时间保留您的个人信息。但在下列情况下,我们有可能因需符合法律要求,更改个人信息的存储时间:

4.2.1 为遵守适用的法律法规等有关规定;

4.2.2 为遵守法院判决、裁定或其他法律程序的规定;

4.2.3 为遵守相关政府机关或法定授权组织的要求;

4.2.4 我们有理由确信需要遵守法律法规等有关规定;

4.2.5 为执行相关服务协议或本政策、维护社会公共利益,为保护们的客户、我们或我们的关联公司、其他用户或雇员的人身财产安全或其他合法权益所合理必需的用途。

5. 当我们的产品或服务发生停止运营的情形时,我们将采取公告等形式通知您,并在合理的期限内删除您的个人信息。

6. 我们为您的信息提供相应的安全保障,以防止信息的丢失、不当使用、未经授权访问或披露。

7. 我们严格遵守法律法规保护用户的通信秘密。

8. 我们将在合理的安全水平内使用各种安全保护措施以保障信息的安全。

9. 我们建立专门的管理制度、流程和组织确保信息安全。

10. 随着我们业务的持续发展,我们有可能进行合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易,而您的信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移。我们会要求新的持有您信息的公司、组织继续受本政策的约束并保证所持有的信息安全。

11. 若发生个人信息泄露等安全事件,我们会启动应急预案,阻止安全事件扩大,并以推送通知、公告等形式告知您。

12. 根据法律、法规的要求、强制性的行政执法或司法要求所必须提供您信息的情况下,我们可能会依据所要求的信息类型和披露方式披露您的信息。在符合法律法规的前提下,当我们收到上述披露信息的请求时,我们会要求接收方必须出具与之相应的法律文件,如传票或调查函。我们坚信,对于要求我们提供的信息,应该在法律允许的范围内尽可能保持透明。我们对所有的请求都进行了慎重的审查,以确保其具备合法依据,且仅限于执法部门因特定调查目的且有合法权利获取的数据。



1. 用户身份及安全鉴权功能

1.1 您在订购业务付费前,本服务需要对您的个人信息和设备信息进行提取用于安全鉴权,防止黑客攻击盗用您的手机号码进行不法的支付行为,通过各种鉴权手段提高用户使用计费服务的安全性,只有鉴权通过的支付请求才可以完成支付。

1.2 本模块收集的信息包括:手机号码、IMEIIMSIMAC、设备网络接入状态。

2. 个人支付验证功能

2.1 鉴权通过后,本服务所使用的第三方支付平台会进行个人支付验证,具体验证内容可以查看所选择的第三方支付平台规定;

3. 订购计费功能

3.1 个人支付验证通过后,本服务会通过第三方支付平台代扣进行实际扣费,我们获取这些个人信息用于对用户的身份进行鉴权,提高用户使用计费服务的安全性。

3.2 需要收集的信息包括:手机号码、IMEIIMSIMAC、设备网络接入状态、设备地理位置信息。

4. 计费安全分析功能

4.1 您在订购业务过程中,我们读取、上传、记录用户个人支付信息数据并进行同步、分享和储存以实现安全分析和部分服务功能;同时收集用户个人信息数据并统计、分析及研究,以改进本应用和本服务的质量、性能和技术。

4.2 需要收集的必要信息包括:手机号码、IMEIIMSIMAC、品牌信息、机型信息、操作系统信息、设备网络接入状态、设备地理位置信息、设备安全状态。 

5. 以上内容涉及个人信息的名词解释如下:

5.1 IMEI(国际移动设备识别码):International Mobile Equipment Identity,即通常所说的手机序列号、手机串号,用于在移动电话网络中识别每一部独立的手机等移动通信设备,相当于移动电话的身份证。

5.2 IMSI(国际移动用户识别码):International Mobile Subscriber Identity,是用于区分蜂窝网络中不同用户的、在所有蜂窝网络中不重复的识别码。手机将IMSI存储于一个64比特的字段发送给网络。IMSI可以用来在归属位置寄存器(HLRHome Location Register)或拜访位置寄存器(VLRVisitor Location Register)中查询用户的信息。

5.3 MAC(媒体访问控制)地址:Media Access ControlMedium Access Control地址,媒体访问控制,或称为物理地址、硬件地址,用来定义网络设备的位置。

5.4 品牌信息:您的手机或终端设备的品牌信息,标识设备生产的厂商。

5.5 机型信息:您的手机或终端设备的机器型号,区分同一个品牌设备的不同机型。

5.6 操作系统信息:您的手机或终端设备当前已安装的操作系统版本信息。

5.7 设备网络接入状态:您的手机或终端设备当前连接网络的状态,包括已连接WiFi网络、已连接GPRS络、无网络三种状态。

5.8 设备安全状态:您的手机或终端设备是否已被黑客攻击或破解(手机被root)。

5.9 设备地理位置信息:通过设备接入的网络的移动国家代码、运营商移动网络代码、基站位置区域码、基站编号定位用户设备的当前位置信息。


1. 用户如何管理自己的信息

1.1  您可以在使用我们服务的过程中,访问、修改和删除您提供的注册信息和其他个人信息,也可按照通知指引与我们联系。

1.2 我们将按照本政策所述,仅为实现我们产品或服务的功能,收集、使用您的信息。

1.3 在您访问、修改和删除相关信息时,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障帐号的安全。

2. 如您发现我们违反法律、行政法规的规定或者双方的约定收集、使用您的个人信息,您可以要求我们删除。

2.1 如您发现我们收集、存储的您的个人信息有错误的,您也可以要求我们更正。

2.2 请通过本政策列明的联系方式与我们联系。

2.3  请您理解,由于技术所限、法律或监管要求,我们可能无法满足您的所有要求,我们会在合理的期限内答复您的请求。


1. 我们非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护,我们会积极按照国家防沉迷政策要求,通过启用防沉迷系统保护未成年人的合法权益。我们会通过实名身份等信息校验判断相关账号的实名信息是否为未成年人,进而决定是否将此账号纳入到防沉迷体系中。另外,我们会收集您的登录时间、游戏时长等信息,通过从系统层面自动干预和限制未成年人游戏时间、启用强制下线功能等方式,引导未成年人合理游戏,并在疑似未成年人消费后尝试联系其监护人进行提醒、确认与处理,帮助未成年人健康上网。根据相关法律法规的规定,若您是18周岁以下的未成年人,在使用本游戏服务前,应事先取得您的家长或法定监护人的同意。

2. 若您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人的个人信息有相关疑问时,请按照本政策列明的方式与我们联系。


1. 互联网并非绝对安全的环境,而且电子邮件、即时通讯、社交软件或其他服务软件等与其他用户的交流方式无法确定是否完全加密,我们建议您使用此类工具时请使用复杂密码,并注意保护您的信息安全。

2. 互联网环境并非百分之百安全,我们将尽力确保或担保您发送给我们的任何信息的安全性。如果我们的物理、技术、或管理防护设施遭到破坏,导致信息被非授权访问、公开披露、篡改或毁坏,导致您的合法权益受损,我们将在中国法律法规规定的范围内承担相应的法律责任。本政策仅适用于我们所收集的用户的个人信息,并不适用于任何第三方提供的服务或第三方的信息使用规则,对任何第三方使用由您提供的信息导致您的合法权益受损,我们并不承担任何责任。


1. 第三方bugly服务,提供应用崩溃、错误信息收集,信息提交网址:https://android.bugly.qq.com,隐私保护声明:点击这里进行阅读

2. 我們產品使用第三方統計,您需要一並同意第三方服務商提供的隱私政策;鏈接到應用程序使用的第三方服務提供商的隱私政策


1. 如本政策部分条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,其余条款仍应有效并且具有约束力以及执行力。

2. 我们保留对本政策的修改,增补,删除、更新等有关权利。

3. 本政策的订立、履行、解释及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律并排除其他一切冲突法的适用。如您就本政策的内容或其执行发生任何争议(包括但不限于合同或者其他财产性权益纠纷),应及时联系我们友好协商解决;

4. 在您使用本游戏服务期间,如您需我们为您提供查询、删除、更正或者撤回您的相关个人信息的服务,或对本政策、个人信息安全或其他相关事宜有疑问,或有任何与服务有关的个人信息保护相关投诉,或需要查看本政策更新的版本及相关公告的,您可通过以下列出的官方网站与我们联系反馈、查阅公告内容或寻求客服进行相关协助操作。我们收到您的相关需求或者问题的反馈后将尽快审核,并在验证您的用户身份后的十五天内予以回复。

5. 我们可能适时修订本政策内容,如该等变更会导致您在本政策项下权利的实质减损,我们将在变更生效前,通过在页面显著位置提示等方式通知您。在该种情况下,若您继续使用我们的服务,即表示同意受经修订的政策约束。